The Official Blog

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

"What's Your Name?" Speaks in NJ

On September 11th( last Friday), "What's Your Name?" was a special guest speaker at mass in Saint Aloysius School in Jackson, New Jersey, and was a big hit. The school and community gathered as the first mass of the school year was celebrated in the new church by the Parish’s new associate priest, Father Brian Woodrow. Those who lost their life in the attacks on September 11th were also remembered with honor and in prayer. The school would like to thank him and wish him luck as he continues his walk with the Lord.

Thanks to Olive for the information!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breaking News!

“What’s Your Name?” is driving from South Jersey to Larchmont, New York, to meet up with Father Benedict Groeschel (as seen on EWTN). If you spot him let us know!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Barefoot Wonder Alert!

We have received some information that "What's Your Name?" is in Central Jersey, traveling south along the shore. Keep an eye out!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"What's Your Name?" Heads to Rome!

Director, Sean Tracey, has recently spoken with "What's Your Name?" with his updated travel plans. "What's Your Name?" is heading down to Panama City to catch his flight, which is scheduled to leave on October 2nd for the Vatican and Rome. He will be meeting up with his friend, Father Anton, and will spend the remainder of October, returning on the 28th.