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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Double Take

Continuing on his journey, "What’s Your Name?" has been spotted in Gaithersburg, Maryland on March 31. "What’s Your Name?" made a stop at the St. John Neumann Catholic Church and was recognized from a previous appearance there. The call came in from Bill who recalls meeting "What’s Your Name?" a few years back saying "He seems real! He's been doing this too long to be a fake."


Anonymous said...

I drove James to St. Barts Catholic Church in Machester, MD on March 31 2009. I would like to locate him soon to have him speak at our school. I believe he is moving towards Hanover, Pa

Anonymous said...

Spoke to him today. He was in York, PA.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday (April 20, 2009) I met the Jesus Guy! As he walked by my office in Pottsville, Pa and friend of mine told me all about his tale, since I had never heard about him. My friend said that she always wanted to meet him, so she and I took the opportunity to say HI! We pulled over along side the highway where he was traveling and shook his hand. We then asked if he needed a ride and he said Yes! We took him to Hazelton on a ride that I will never forget. He spoke very kindly about himself... telling his story to us... asking about each of us how we are doing spirtually ... he read to us from the bible and prayed with us... then when we arrived in Hazelton he took us to the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Like I said, I had never heard of What's Your Name before, but after my encounter with him yesterday, I will never forget him. I can literally say this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank You Lord!