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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Where in the World is What's Your Name?!
He's on the move again. If you've encountered him ("What's Your Name?", James Joseph, The Jesus Guy) please share with us when and where you saw him. Click on "Comment" below to share!
Yesterday (April 20, 2009) I met the Jesus Guy! As he walked by my office in Pottsville, Pa and friend of mine told me all about his tale, since I had never heard about him. My friend said that she always wanted to meet him, so she and I took the opportunity to say HI! We pulled over along side the highway where he was traveling and shook his hand. We then asked if he needed a ride and he said Yes! We took him to Hazelton on a ride that I will never forget. He spoke very kindly about himself... telling his story to us... asking about each of us how we are doing spirtually ... he read to us from the bible and prayed with us... then when we arrived in Hazelton he took us to the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Like I said, I had never heard of What's Your Name before, but after my encounter with him yesterday, I will never forget him. I can literally say this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank You Lord!
Hi, I was leaving work in Scranton,PA last week(4/17/09) and there he was right across the street. I stopped to talk to him and he asked me how I was doing spiritually. I told him that I am a Christian, but I was feeling a little battered. My Dad had just passed away last week and a young (22 yr old) coworker of mine had killed himself. He made me feel better by telling me that my Dad was with me in spirit and that God understands how troubled my coworker must have been to do that. I told him that I really appreciated what he was doing and he went on his way. I feel that God put him right in front of me when I needed some encouragement. I had never heard of him before, but it prompted me to find out more about him on the internet. It's an experience that I won't soon forget and strengthens my faith in God. Lisa
Last night the Jesus Guy was seen walking through Pottsville, PA I wish I would have known that he was going to be here, I would have loved to meet him and shake his hand! I hope he comes back again it's been 17 years since he was last here. People here in the city of Pottsville and in Schuylkill county need to meet this blessed man and learn how to love each other! There is so much hate, alcoholism, suicide and lost souls around here I pray to GOD that this wonderful man comes back and stays here and helps save us all....
I spotted him (May 30, 2009) on the side of 309 north, he was walking south bound as I was driving north..that was in Barnseville, PA. I snapped a pic of him with my phone as I drove by, not knowing a thing about him. When I arrived at my friends house, they informed me of his story..different, but kinda cool. Makes me wonder what happened in his life that made him choose this vocation for himself?
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Some say he’s “a kook.” Others, “a blessing from God.” Barefoot and clad in a white robe, he’s walked through 47 states [and 13 countries] on a 16-year mission that’s captured media attention from 20/20, Time and the Wall Street Journal. Yet who is this solitary figure who inspires faith – and attracts controversy?
Sean Tracey traces the enigmatic odyssey of the anonymous, barefoot preacher known as “The Jesus Guy.” With the intimacy of single-camera filmmaking, we walk in his steps as he encounters both skeptics and believers, changing them…for better, for worse, forever.
"What at first glance looks like little more than a novelty piece turns out to be a challenging profile of a confounding individual...which is why it sticks so well." -Warren Curry Entertainment Insiders
“Make no mistake, the title subject of this film does not think he's Jesus. We see him praised, and we see him criticized. But most importantly, we see that he's human." -Jay Cheel Film Critic for the Documentary Blog
Yesterday (April 20, 2009) I met the Jesus Guy! As he walked by my office in Pottsville, Pa and friend of mine told me all about his tale, since I had never heard about him. My friend said that she always wanted to meet him, so she and I took the opportunity to say HI! We pulled over along side the highway where he was traveling and shook his hand. We then asked if he needed a ride and he said Yes! We took him to Hazelton on a ride that I will never forget. He spoke very kindly about himself... telling his story to us... asking about each of us how we are doing spirtually ... he read to us from the bible and prayed with us... then when we arrived in Hazelton he took us to the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Like I said, I had never heard of What's Your Name before, but after my encounter with him yesterday, I will never forget him. I can literally say this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank You Lord!
I was leaving work in Scranton,PA last week(4/17/09) and there he was right across the street. I stopped to talk to him and he asked me how I was doing spiritually. I told him that I am a Christian, but I was feeling a little battered. My Dad had just passed away last week and a young (22 yr old) coworker of mine had killed himself. He made me feel better by telling me that my Dad was with me in spirit and that God understands how troubled my coworker must have been to do that. I told him that I really appreciated what he was doing and he went on his way. I feel that God put him right in front of me when I needed some encouragement. I had never heard of him before, but it prompted me to find out more about him on the internet. It's an experience that I won't soon forget and strengthens my faith in God.
Last night the Jesus Guy was seen walking through Pottsville, PA I wish I would have known that he was going to be here, I would have loved to meet him and shake his hand! I hope he comes back again it's been 17 years since he was last here. People here in the city of Pottsville and in Schuylkill county need to meet this blessed man and learn how to love each other! There is so much hate, alcoholism, suicide and lost souls around here I pray to GOD that this wonderful man comes back and stays here and helps save us all....
I spotted him (May 30, 2009) on the side of 309 north, he was walking south bound as I was driving north..that was in Barnseville, PA. I snapped a pic of him with my phone as I drove by, not knowing a thing about him. When I arrived at my friends house, they informed me of his story..different, but kinda cool. Makes me wonder what happened in his life that made him choose this vocation for himself?
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