The Official Blog

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tell Us Your Story

We are pleased to share Dulce Maria Medina's story of her first encounter with "What's Your Name?" Thanks so much to Dulce Maria. If you would like to tell your story, please send it to us at

"About 4 years ago on a hot Atlanta day he was walking barefoot on a back road leading to a church & I had recognized him from a magazine I had looked at in the year 2000 so I was happy to turn around & start talking with him & asking questions....clearly he is special he told me to go to church every Sunday go to confession & have god in my life I asked him if he could come to my house & meet my Mom & bless my house & he agreed....& -I never pick up strangers!- my Mom doesn't speak English but that was no problem because he spoke fluent Spanish...he blessed me he blessed my mom & blessed my house it was so special I truly believe this man is special from god then I dropped him off at church & came back with my godmother so she can meet him & he blessed her too...then this Mexican guy who had been driving him around & staying with told me to tell him if he would accept money so he can use on his journey but the Jesus Guy got very upset & would not accept one dime he told me the Mexican was offending him...the guy was going to give him a lot of money too...this is how I know truly this guy is not a fake he is genuinely real & all he wants to do is get all of us close to our god & be blessed...I feel so lucky to have met him & will never forget! I hope he remembers me! He is a blessing from God & a great Man!!!
Dulce Maria Medina"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Preaching at New Heights

Morten from Norway shared with us how he met "What's Your Name?" on a plane ride from Mexico City to Frankfurt, Germany earlier this month. We suspect that his plane ride was one of the legs of "What's Your Name?"s trip to Italy. Morten said WYN was a "very interesting guy, I enjoyed his company. He told me about the film."

Thanks Morten, we hope you enjoy the DVD.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"What's Your Name?" has made it to Rome!

We have been informed that "What's Your Name?" has been spotted in Rome eating pizza!

Thanks B.K. for the information.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"What's Your Name?" in LaPlace, LA

"What's Your Name?" visited the Perpetual Adoration Chapel in LaPlace, LA. The people of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel were touched and would like to wish "What's Your Name?" well on his journey. Also, the AP Louisiana News did a wonderful article on the visit.

Thanks to Linda for the information!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Anna, from Garyville, LA, saw a man wearing a white robe and no shoes carrying a Bible, walking along a levee in Louisiana. Could it be "What's Your Name?"? If so, we encourage anyone who spots him to please let us know about their sighting.