The Official Blog

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Movie Night Success

July 5th's FireDogLake Movie Night was a success! Read the interactive interview to learn more about The Jesus Guy movie from the Director, Sean Tracey.


Marjorie Tabango said...

Jesus Guy:
We all admire you and love you! Our heavenly father is always with you and you inspire us!!!!! I am a newly single mother and have been praying strength and encouragement, for I will be looking for a new place to live as of Jan. 2011. My son and I have no idea where we will live but we will continue to have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!!! Please pray for us!!

Anonymous said...

James Joseph once went to our Church a few years back in cullman, AL. He's a remarkable person, amazing to literally give up eveything for Christ.

Anonymous said...

I met James Joseph in Harrisonburg, Virginia, at Blessed Sacrament Church. We had a nice talk about St. Francis of Assisi. I wished him well, and would pray for him, and he wished me well too. I knew he was someone who was good, and the Lord was with him. I kept the newspaper article in my special intercessory prayer journal, and after seeing the movie, looked it up and found it.
God be with you, James Joseph.
Pax et Bonum
Harrisonburg, VA