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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pentecost Voyage

The Jesus Guy composed a short highlight video filled with great shots and moments from his trip to the Pentecost. Check it out!


Anonymous said...

I love what he does. I hope one day we get the blessing seeing James back in Tampa.

fr.Jai ofm said...

Dear Sonya Could please tell me where bro.James is I am waiting for him in India. send me your email id or phone num i so that I could contact you.

my mail id.

tell him to call me
or contact any franciscan friaries in India ask fro fr.jayaseelan ofm

i am waiting for him chennai

fr.Jai ofm

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr Jai,

James Joseph was delayed in Amsterdam but he was on todays Delta Airlines flight 56. As it is the flight already arrived at 1115pm India time. He has not call me but he will find his way to get to Madras to do his mission.

Peace be with you!

Say hi to James

Mack Ethridge said...

Dear James, thank you for providing this beautifully produced pictorial tour of the Holy Land at Pentecost. The photos of you praying were very moving. I share in your longing for the healing of all peoples and the world through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your ongoing selfless and courageous service to Him and mankind! In God's Love, your friend, admirer, and one who prays for you always, Mack Ethridge

Mack Ethridge said...

Dear James, one last comment here. What you are doing is obviously, to me, a sacred calling from God. Your sincerity and authenticity is palpable. Your ministry is and will bear tremendous fruit I am certain. You are a man of tremendous courage and conviction, and I am proud of you as a brother in Christ! I will continue to pray for your stengthening and healing of whatever bodily ailments you may have, as well as your experiencing an ever-greater awareness of the Peace and the Presence of God our Father, and of our Lord Jesus Christ! I wish more people knew of this blog, as I feel few do, else there would be far more comments upon your remarkable ministry. My love I extend to you, James, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you as you walk the streets of our great nation. You are not alone for God is with you, along with who knows how many people's prayers for you! In God's Love, A brother in Christ, Mack Ethridge

Mack Ethridge said...

Dear James, I want you to know that I continue to pray for your and your ministry. I have decided to pray for you every day from this point on. You and your message and consecrated lifestyle have really touched my heart. I, too, have a ministry of sorts (, though I am not a minister per se. God bless you and keep you and may your live long with an ever increasing awareness of the Presence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I am grateful to you!

In God's Love,

air max classic bw femme said...

Via artikolo estas tre interesa kaj humura. De via artikolo, mi povas vidi la veran signifon de la vorto feliĉa. Tiu artikolo, mi kredas multaj homoj estas helpema. Tre feliĉa por dividi ĉi tiun artikolon al viaj. Rigardu antaŭen al viaj ĝisdatigoj.

Mack Ethridge said...

Dear and Beloved James,

I pray you are doing well, and your mission is continuing to impact people's lives for good. I know our Saviour is very much with you and approves of your very important life's work. Brother, would you please pray for my beloved sister who is experiencing ongoing, tremendous pain throughout her body, and unrelenting emotional/psychological distress, sorrow, and heartache in her soul. She has suffered with a 'mystery illness' for decades and has nearly died on several occasions. Yesterday, was the height of her worst eposide in decades. I am tremendously concerned (and a bit frightened) that she may be heading for a total mental collapse due to her illness (CFS/Fibromyalgia/severe anxiety disorder, among other highly troublesome ailments). Barb is 63 years of age, a great believer in God, in spite of her decades-long illness which has left her unable to work since her early 20's. Please pray for her, dear friend. Thank you for taking the time to read this and pray for this tender, gentle, yes, even child-like soul whose love for others transcends that of anyone I have ever known. She is in a critical, dangerous situation right now. Thank you for your love and kindness. In God's Love, Your friend, Mack Ethridge

Anonymous said...

In the year 2001,on a sunny Philadelphia day, a man named " the Jesus guy' humbly walked past my window on Cottman avenue. In an instant I ran outside without care I was at work, I had to meet him, to talk to him. I will never forget him, nor our talk. Thank you dear strange messenger, for changing my life.

Jennifer McLaughlin laurel Maryland

Anonymous said...

Dear James,
Today is the first that I heard of you and your ministry. I am so touched by what you do in your love for Christ our Lord. I pray,if it be His will that one day I'll meet you too.

Your Sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...

You are,in my humble opinion, nothing but some lazy dude who is so self centered that you couldn't handle a normal job with a normal boss telling you what to do so you came up with a Jesus guy scam. How many times do you look in the camera and make a HUGE deal about how you don't take money??? wink,wink. Seen you haven't blogged in a while... Must have found some old retired rich lady in the sunshine state to mooch off of!!!! You a a phoney!! I am sure I'm not alone when I say that I see right through you and your scam!!! You probably never had a real job in your life!!! You make me sick!!! That real Jesus guy will make sure you get what's coming to you come judgement day you con artist!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear James Joseph: It is clear for those who have taken the time to get to know you that you have a unique and special calling from God and our Lord Jesus Christ. I personally have been greatly blessed by your life, and God has told me in my heart of your validity and sincerity. May the Light of God continue to bless you always in your dedicated work to Him! In God's Love, A fellow friend of Jesus

Anonymous said...

Despite the fact that this film was made years ago, I believe it will always be relevant in the moment as it reminds us of the need for us to love God and one another. I was and still am so inspired by his actions, especially knowing that simplicity is really the key to understanding and contentment.
In my own music ministry and spiritual ministry in general in my community, I know the urge to do God's will on a daily basis as a the real meaning to finding purpose in my life. As he puts it in the film, trusting and surrendering to God is the real way of true life!
Thanks Sean for making this film a reality for people's awareness in the world!