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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

March through Luke

In March of last year our friend the Jesus Guy took a walk through Jerusalem. A friend sent us this video of him reading the scriptures Luke 24:13-24 by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Stay away from Carl Joseph. He is pervert. I have to say that I am very disappointed to see Sean Tracey still promoting this person. Sean contacted me several years ago after finding out that my family had taken Carl Joseph in for the evening. I expressed to Sean the disgust and distress I had with Joseph after finding out that he had viewed graphic pornography on my family's computer during the night he stayed with us. My husband confronted Joseph the next day and Joseph admitted that he had a "problem." We promptly booted him out of our house. Shortly thereafter, I contacted someone else in the area who I had learned had also taken Joseph in. She reported similar concerns and said that they had found him wandering their hallway during the night near their young daughter's bedroom. Joseph is a troubled person with a very convincing "act" that allows him to get into the homes of generous people with children. Sad to see that he's still out there taking advantage of folks' kindness and hospitality.

Rogue Wanderer said...

I believe this may be the man I'm referencing in my story

Some of the details of my recollection of his past might not be exact, I was telling it based on my memory of the encounter which is a little fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

On Monday, January 8th, 2018, about 4:30 pm, I made my way to St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Tampa, Florida. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and I, along with many others, like to sit in silence for a time, and reflect, pray, think, talk to Jesus.
On this particular day, I entered the chapel, bowed immediately, turned to my right to pick up a rosary and was startled by a person sitting in a chair behind the door. He was dressed in a white robe, with a white blanket for warmth, I presume. In a matter of seconds I had remembered seeing this man some years ago when he was in Tampa.
I walked across the room, sat down, but couldn't help but, peak, or gaze at the unusual man in the corner. He prayed, got up to kneel, and was very much in the moment. After a half hour I left, went into the parish office, and overheard the secretary and deacon discussing the "visitor". She said, "you can find him on the internet under "The Jesus Guy" I did.
My fascination in insatiable...I am reading everything I can find on this unpretentious holy man.
Also, I presume he has come to Florida, like so many others, to escape the cold weather.
Twenty years, 47 states, over 20 countries....evangelizing....just waiting for God to show him what to do next. Most of us cannot comprehend how faith can drive a human being to live this way. His faith appears to be boundless.
I truly hope to run into him again, no need to fear him, invite him for dinner, offer him some conveniences. Show mercy.

Friar Rodney Burnap said...

Where is he today?