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Thursday, October 1, 2009


Anna, from Garyville, LA, saw a man wearing a white robe and no shoes carrying a Bible, walking along a levee in Louisiana. Could it be "What's Your Name?"? If so, we encourage anyone who spots him to please let us know about their sighting.


kailee said...

I saw him also in Reserve,LA. He must be traveling around here in these cities. I heard he was stayimg with our priest of st peter's church. I was on my way to school and I noticed him and called my mom and she didn't believe me when i said i saw a man dressed like Jesus in front of oir street but then she texted me later on and said "I saw that man too."
everyone around here has been talking about it everyday. I think its so cool. I would love to meet this man and tell him he is one great guy and good luck with everything he has ahead of him in life. He is a blessing!


Anonymous said...

The jesusguy was here (Brother James Joseph) at our Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Ascension of Our Lord in LaPlace, LA
He prayed, he listened, he cared to hear what is going in our lives & community.
He spoke, he ate, he laughed. We were all touched by this angel. We wish him well on his journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

The newspaper Times Picauyne or did a story on him “Following a Calling”. What an experience. God bless him and keep him safe.


Anonymous said...

He was definitely here. He visited St Peters church also last week. He came here with our visiting priest Father Antoine. He was a guest speaker at the school weekly mass. He also visited the school and talked with the children. Not too sure how i feel about this.