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Monday, November 29, 2010

TJG Featured in the Examiner

The Jesus Guy was recently featured in a November 22nd article on The Examiner, a local online source for news and events. The article revealed that “The Jesus Guy” has been spotted in downtown Tampa, FL.

“If you see a man in Tampa with long hair, a beard, and a white robe, don’t be alarmed. You are not experiencing hallucinations or a religious vision.”

Jeffery Ramon, the author of the article, had a chance to sit down and talk with James about his journey. James has been in Tampa for about a year now with no immediate plans to travel elsewhere.

Read the full article here


Jeff Ramon said...

It was an interesting experience, and a pleasure to meet with James personally. As a student of video as well, I bet this film is phenomenal and can't wait to see it. Thanks for posting this.

Joe Mathews said...

Watched the movie today with my 12 and 13-year old boys. Had an interesting conversation about "calling" and "purpose." They thought what he was doing was great. So do I.

Joe Mathews said...

Watched the movie today with my 12 and 13-year old boys. Had an interesting conversation about "calling" and "purpose." They thought what he was doing was great. So do I.

Lula Clements said...

I have not watched the movie yet but plan on it. I met this guy, James Joseph, (if he is same) here in Jasper, Alabama back in the summer of 2005 or 06..The 3rd time that i saw him he was in my neighborhood and i pulled over to ask him if i could feed him lunch. He accepted. I brought him home and prepared a fried bologna sandwich (all i had to offer him) with a glass of milk. My late husband at that time had been very ill and i was dissabled w/no one to help us. He has since passed on, Jan. 2007. He must have known my imbarressment at having so little to offer him, because of the exchange of looks between us when i sat it in front of him. He ate it graciously. As late i have been wondering where he is and how he is doing. So, when i found this site i became very happy. I hope to see him again someday. Thank you Lula Clements, Jasper, Al.

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