The Jesus Guy premiered in Beverly Hills at the LA United Film Festival on April 20th. The film was in good company, with a roster of award-winning films and documentaries...some that played with The Jesus Guy at other festivals. I finally got to see Darius Goes West, which I highly recommend, now available on DVD at Jason Connell's fun film, Strictly Background, also played, and is one of my favorites from the festival circuit that I've seen.
The LA festival kicked off with a great party at the Gibson Guitar Museum and showroom, with a live performance from one of the festival film's subjects, Larry Pierce, from Dirty Country, Let's just say it wasn't politically correct, but it was hilarious.
Perhaps the best part of the festival in LA is that a lot of my friends, who have moved there to pursue careers in commercials and movies showed up to support the movie. actor/writer,
Brian Connors, producer/writer,
Kim Reeves, singer/songwriter, Kelly Slattery, art director Rob Engel, actress, Lea Renay-Contarino,
Jim & Tamra Meskimen,
found at: to all for coming!