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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WYN in Rome!

"What's Your Name?" was scheduled to arrive back from his trip in Italy on Friday, October 30th. On his trip, WYN and Father Anton, visited the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi during the festival devoted to the saint. The two also met with an undisclosed Cardinal in the Vatican. Sounds like "What's Your Name?" had an excellent trip overseas! Let us know if anyone has any other updates!


Kathy said...

I had the pleasure of meeting the Jesus Guy this morning. While driving to work I noticed him walking down Federal Hwy in Boynton Beach, FL. I did a double take and turned my car around. He smiled and continued on his path. I drove a mile to my office, he later walked passed there. I came out to meet him, and I'm glad I did. He is a peaceful and kind man that loves the Lord. I am a woman of faith. We shared a nice conversation about our Father and saviour Jesus Christ. He guided me to some scriptures that could answer some questions that I've been having. It was a pleasure to have met him.

Sean Tracey Associates said...

During the filming of the movie, I saw The Jesus Guy discuss scripture with the top Biblical scholar at a Catholic seminary. He held his own. Afterward, the priest told me he was astonished and never met someone with more knowledge of the Gospels. James (The Jesus Guy) is self taught in the Bible, never went to seminary, and says he learned most of what he knows from discussions with people.